Vampire Butt Lift®
Our PRP Treatments are AMAZING
Vampire Butt Procedure
What is a Vampire Butt Lift®?
A small amount of blood is taken from your arm, and the growth factors in the Platelet Rich Plasma are extracted. Then, the PRP is injected back into the butt in a specific way. In addition to the PRP, we also use the Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) from your blood, which contains nutrients, hormones, proteins, enzymes, and immune factors. The stem cells then develop into new collagen, blood vessels, and fatty tissue. The result is younger-appearing skin and increased volume! The hyaluronic acid filler may be added as well.

The Vampire Butt Lift® treatment is a cost-effective alternative to invasive surgery. This treatment is best for individuals who desire a lift and natural contour in their buttocks but do not want the risks associated with invasive surgery.
The PRP Butt-lift treatment focuses on the upper buttock region, which, without tone, gives the appearance of a sagging tush. By increasing tone to this area, the butt is lifted, giving the butt a more shapely appearance. PRP also increases plumpness in the buttocks by regenerating tissue. In addition, nerves and blood vessels are rejuvenated.
*Note: The PRP Butt-lift will not add volume or size to the butt like implants or fat grafting. Think of the butt lift as a redistribution or a change in shape.
Make An Appointment
Call us today for your free consultation. All you need to do is pick up your phone and give us a call at (541) 342-7483.