Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal Services for Women and Men.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser Hair Removal
Are you tired of shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair? BBL forever bare laser hair removal is THE BEST option. Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. And is absolutely worth it!
No more painful shaving, waxing, or plucking! Laser hair removal is now the most popular method chosen by aestheticians for eliminating unwanted body and facial hair. Laser hair removal treatments are quick, with little discomfort. And the results are absolutely amazing! Imagine smooth, silky skin with no shadow, no stubble, no razor burns or cuts.

Frequently Asked Questions about our Laser Hair Removal Service.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
The Laser Hair Removal service is a top-rated non-surgical cosmetic treatment worldwide; laser hair removal reduces unwanted body hair without causing any damage to the surrounding skin. Instead, the treatment utilizes safe, precise lasers that damage the hair follicles to prevent them from growing hair.
Q & A about our Laser Hair Removal Treatments.
A laser focuses light energy of a specific wavelength into a narrow beam just a few millimeters in diameter. The selection of laser light wavelength for laser hair removal is essential for achieving optimal results and avoiding skin damage. At the proper wavelength and energy, the laser light penetrates the skin disabling the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding tissue. In addition, the absorbed laser energy will destroy hair follicles in an active growth phase and with good pigmentation.
The FDA has cleared the lasers used by Brighter Smiles Med Spa and Laser Center for permanent hair reduction. You will notice a decrease in hair growth following each laser treatment. After a series of treatments, you will likely see little or no hair growth. However, no hair removal laser can claim to remove hair permanently. Hormonal changes brought on by such events as pregnancy or menopause can produce new hair growth. Also, certain medications can cause new hair growth. Occasional touch-up laser treatments may be necessary to remove new hair growth that may appear over time.
Laser hair removal is less painful than other methods, such as electrolysis, waxing, shaving, and tweezing. Our Candela lasers use a patented cryogenic spray system that cools the skin immediately before each laser pulse. The cooling mist significantly reduces the skin's sensitivity to the laser pulse and prevents excessive skin surface heating. As a result, those with dark, coarse, or dense hair will feel the laser energy more than those with light and thin hair. Nevertheless, clients generally find laser treatments to be easily tolerated.
Laser hair removal cannot be administered if you are pregnant or currently taking certain medications that increase the photo-sensitivity of your skin. Certain medical conditions will require the approval of your treating physician before starting laser hair removal treatments.
Before the procedure, we will usually review the patient's medical history and conduct a physical exam. Our Patients are encouraged to discuss expectations, potential risks, and outcomes of the procedure. Patients also should:
- Avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels, or collagen injections for two weeks before the procedure.
- Avoid perfumes, deodorants, or any potential irritants in the treatment area before and after treatment.
- Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements due to the increased risk of bleeding.
Following treatment, patients should expect the following:
- Redness and swelling of the hair follicle which is a regular occurrence.
- Pain and discomfort is treated with over-the-counter pain medicines.
- To be given a prescription for a topical antiseptic cream to be applied after treatment.
- To avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week following all laser hair removal procedures.
Make An Appointment
Call us today for your free consultation. All you need to do is pick up your phone and give us a call at (541) 342-7483.